Monday, December 28, 2009

How Make Teeth White

Doing it yourself

There are different ways that you can make your teeth white at home. The one way is to get a customized impression tray fitted to your top and bottom teeth. You will want to wear this piece a few hours of each day filled with gel that whitens the teeth.

You have to do this for no less than three days. This can be costly but shop around and sometimes you can find it for less.

Office Whitening

You will see that there are many ways to whiten your teeth. One way is zoom whitening where you apply a tooth-whitening gel on each tooth and then a light called a Zoom is placed on your teeth for up to an hour.

The gel is going to reflect the light and this will whiten your teeth. There is also teeth whitening gel that is made from diluted hydrogen peroxide and this is placed on your teeth.

After this a blue light known as a BriteSmile or britesmile is going to be used on your teeth. You can usually get your teeth about ten shades whiter using a power light bleaching also known as Rembrandt.

There are dentists out there that say this will protect from new stains forming and brown or yellow stains developing. The cost of teeth whitening can be expensive and even cost more than $500.

Your teeth may be sensitive after these processes. It can take a few days for your teeth to feel back to normal.

If you have stained teeth or your teeth have yellow on them it may be due to the fact that you drink a lot of cola, red wines, tea or even coffee. Some people that smoke may also suffer from dental decay causing discolored teeth.

If you do smoke or take certain medications that turn your teeth a shade of yellow, the teeth whitening process may not be as helpful as you might expect.